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Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

ada yang aneh engga dengan patungnya???

A statue is a sculpture in the round representing a person or persons, an animal, an idea or an event, normally full-length, as opposed to a bust, and at least close to life-size, or larger. Its primary concern is representational. The definition of a statue is not always clear-cut. A small statue, usually small enough to be picked up, is called a statuette or figurine. Many statues are built on commission to commemorate a historical event, or the life of an influential person. Many statues are intended as public art, exhibited outdoors or in public buildings for the edification of passers-by, with a larger magnitude than normal words could ever have for the common man.
Spoiler for cek this out:







gmana gan patung yang diatas ... unik kann!!

sumber :

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